Rainy City Roller Girls – the North West's original Roller Derby league

Archive for the ‘Derby’ category

RCRG Master Class with Team England Skaters & Ref **JAMMER & BLOCKER MASTERCLASSES with RCRG & Team England’s Missy Rascal & Dee-Mise**. ***REFEREE MASTERCLASS WITH RCRG AND WORLD CUP REFEREE KARL LAGERFILLED*** Sunday 6th November 2011 Rainy City Roller Girls are excited to present this opportunity for our fellow roller girls to learn some amazing [...]

Change of Venue for Newbie Nights

September 2nd, 2011

** IMPORTANT NEWS ON NEWBIE NIGHTS ** Hi everyone, we have informed our new starters on Mondays that these sessions will be changing location, but for those of you who do not know, our Monday night newbie sessions move to our new building in Oldham starting from this Monday 05/09/2011. They will be 6.30pm to [...]

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