By Morgue-Anna If you start skating with us, we can lend you skates, pads and a helmet, so you can get started straight away. However,…
7:30-9:30pm - New Skater Training Sessions
7:30-9:30pm - RCRG Tender Hooligans Practice
7.30-9.30pm Intermediate skaters session
7:30-9:30pm - RCRG Travel Team Practice
6-8pm RCRG Mixed Scrimmage
By Morgue-Anna If you start skating with us, we can lend you skates, pads and a helmet, so you can get started straight away. However,…
The Thunderdome comes to Oldham – No this is not some nightmarish, apocalyptic future, it’s the Rainy City Roller Girls! Founded in October 2008, we…
by Cleo Fracture Seven months after that first nerve-wracking newbie practise, I played my first roller derby bout with Rainy City Roller Girls Tender Hooligans…