Rainy City Roller Girls – the North West's original Roller Derby league

Anna-tomic Bomb #321


Position: Jammer/Blocker

Height: 5’8 with skates

Distinguishing Characteristics: Piercing blue eyes and bad ass helmet hair

Likes: Skating, falling over, getting up, skating, falling over, getting up…you get the picture! Oh and a good few cans of Strongbow too.

Dislikes: Your Face!

Injuries Sustained: Bruises, to body and to pride

Bio: Hailing from the sunny shores of bikini atol is our very own weapon of mass destruction. Created in a lab some time in the fifties Anna-Tomic arrived here in 2009 and immediately set about a chain reaction across the rainy city. Just remember when you see her, just like a radio-active isotope a little goes a long way. Oh, and you’ll need specialist hospital care if you stand too close.

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